Weak AI Partificial intelligence)

-the principle value of the computer in the study of the mind is that it gives us a very powerful tool

-ex: enables us to formulate and test hypotheses in a precise fashion

Strong AI Partificial intelligence)

-The computer is not merely a tool in the study of the mind

-The appropriate programmed computer really IS a mind and has cognitive states

-The programs are themselves the explanations, not the tools to find the explanations

Schank’s Program

-the aim of the program is to simulate the human ability to understand stories

-i.e. if asked about restaurants, the program can look through all possible representations about restaurants and answer accordingly.

Strong AI definitions:

-In this question and answer sequence, the machine not only simulates human ability but also:

-understands the story and provides the answers to questions -explains the human ability to understand and answer questions

Serle says:

-The computer’s understanding is zero.

The Systems Reply PBerkeley)

-If a person is given English instructions to write formal Chinese, but knows no Chinese, does he understand it?

-This systems reply answers “no” – he only understands a subset of Chinese through his own English language.

McCarthy’s View:

-Machines as simple as thermostats can be said to have beliefs, and having beliefs seems to be a characteristic of most machines capable of problem solving performance.

-Does not believe in strong AI.

The Robot Reply PYale)

-The robot has the computer ‘brain’ system in it.

-All it is doing is moving around, following instructions and manipulating formal symbols.

The Brain Simulator Reply PBerkeley and M.I.T.)

-It simulates the wrong things about the brain -It simulates only the formal structure

The Combination Reply PBerkeley and Stanford)

-Combining the three previous replies: states the robot has intentionality.

-But, if the man controls the robot, then that implies the robot does not have intentionality.

The Other Minds Reply PYale):

-More than just complex behavioral attributions.

The Many Mansions Reply PBerkeley)

-No purely formal model will ever be sufficient by itself for intentionality because the formal properties are not themselves constitutive of intentionality and have no causal powers

Could a machine think?

-Serle answers yes, because we are machines.

Could an artifact, a man-made machine think?

-If it has the same chemical and physical makeup as humans, then yes.

Could a digital computer think?

-Yes, because we as humans are instantiations of a number of computer programs

Could something think, understand etc if it is a computer with the right sort of program?


-Because the formal symbol manipulations by themselves don’t have any intentionality.

Information processing

The computer processes information but not like humans do. It manipulates formal symbols

Dualism and Strong AI

-In order to accept the strong AI argument, you would have to be a dualist: the mind has no intrinsic connection with the actual properties of the brain.

Early computers:

-Called electronic brains