–     Karen Ruggiero (late 90s, early 00’s)
–     Marc Hauser (2007-2011)
–     Diederick Stapel (2011)
–     Dirk Smeesters (2011-2012)
–     Larry Sanna (2012)
–     Jens Förster (2014-2015)
–     Michael LaCour (2015)

Other practices don’t constitute fraud

  • Questionable Research Practices
  • Decisions in design, analysis which might give more significant results

Center for open science

  • Open science framework
  • Founded to increase openness, integrity, and reproducibility of scientific research.
  • Open source software platform for preregistering hypotheses, archiving study materials etc.

Reproducibility = Can a study be duplicated in method and/or analysis.

Replicability = A study about a phenomenon produces similar results from a previous study of the same phenomenon.

File Drawer Problem = a tendency to publish positive results but not to publish negative or non-confirmatory results.


Personality coherence: Maintaining rank order relative to others but changing in the manifestations of trait.

Maturity principle: People’s personality traits tend to change in the direction of being more mature. So, as we get older, on average, we decrease in neuroticism and increase in agreeableness and conscientiousness.

The vulnerability model: states that low self-esteem functions as a predictor for the development of depressive symptoms.

Scar model: assumes that these symptoms leave scars in individuals resulting in lower selfesteem.

Pathoplasty/exacerbation model: certain personality influences the manifestations. Spectrum model: Personality and pathology are on the same spectrum.

Genetic noise =

GWAS = In genetics, a genome-wide association study (GWA study, or GWAS), also known as whole genome association study (WGA study, or WGAS), is an observational study of a genome-wide set of genetic variants in different individuals to see if any variant is associated with a trait.

Trivial selection: everyday choices

Crucial selection: life choices