• Psychologists used the scientific method because it provides the best way to gain new knowledge about behavior
  • Psychologists use the scientific method to observe behaviors as they occur in everyday life and in situations researchers are interested in learning about
  • What are the 4 canons of the scientific method?
    • Empiricism : knowledge is gained in science by systematically observing the phenomenon being studied
    • Determinism : used to examine phenomena that have identifiable cause
    • Parsimony : an assumption of science is that simpler explanations are more likely than complex explanations to be correct
    • Testability : used to test descriptions and explanations of the world that can be contradicted by observations
  • Basic research : designed to answer fundamental questions about behavior; HOW o It advances our understanding of the causes of behavior
  • Applied research : designed to gain solutions to everyday problems o These explanations are tested in everyday situations to inform researchers about the best solutions for everyday problems
  • External validity : the degree to which the results of a study apply to individuals and realistic behaviors outside the study


  • I believe that the best way to study for exams is to reread my notes three times from start to finish, because last semester I did that and I got an A on my psychology exam. I believe this despite the fact that I have tried this method before and have never received an A on a psychology exam. I am failing prey to ____________.

Ans: Confirmation bias

  • The scientific method relies on which way of knowing information about the world?

Ans: Observation

  • If I am concerned about whether the behavior exhibited in my research study maps on to the everyday behaviors of individuals, I am considering the ___________________ of my study

Ans: External validity