Sleeper Effect- Delayed impact of a message that occurs when an initially discounted message that occurs when an initially discounted message becomes effective, as we remember the message but forget the reason for discounting it.

Primacy effects- Information presented first usually has the most influence

Recency effects- Information presented last sometimes has the most influence

Attitude Inoculation- exposing people to weak attacks upon their attitudes so that when stronger attacks come, they will have refutation available

Reactance theory-Strong prohibitions threaten a person’s feeling of freedom, and the boomerang is an attempt to restore that feeling of freedom

Elements of Persuasion:

  1. The communicator (credibility, attractiveness)
  2. The message (reason vs. emotion, discrepancy, one-sided vs. twosided appeals, primacy vs. recency)
  3. The audience (age, thoughts concerning the message)

Enhancing persuasion:

Forewarned is Forearmed: knowing someone is trying to persuade you can influence you to create a counter argument; negatively effects persuasion. Solution: Make your persuasive argument subtler & distraction disarms counter arguing

Uninvolved audiences use peripheral cues

Ways to stimulate people’s thinking:

  1. Use rhetorical questions
  2. Present multiple speakers
  3. Make people feel responsible
  4. Repeat the message
  5. Get people’s undistracted attention

Resisting a persuasive message:

  1. Strengthening Personal Commitment: Challenging beliefs may lead to developing counterarguments (attitude inoculation)
  2. Being Alert to Product Placement: When companies pay the makes of a TV show to incorporate their product into the script Resisting Peer Pressure